Rural - Urban Migration (Pull and Push Factors) & Rising Sea Levels (Countries at Risk)

 Rural-Urban Migration

See the source image

Key Definitions:

  • Rural areas: open spaces with very few buildings and a small population

  • Urban areas: very developed with lots of buildings, roads, bridges, and railways. Large population. 

  • Push factors: A bad quality of a place that makes the person want to leave

    • Not enough jobs

    • Lack of food / clean water

    • Different conditions

    • Image result for rural

      Land degradation

    • Poor education

    • Poor electricity and technology
    • Poor sewerage

    • Limited or no health care

  • Pull factors: A good quality that makes people want to move to the place

    • More job opportunities

    • Access to shops

    • Better housing

    • Better education

    • More health care access

    • Safer

    • Clean water

    • Better sanitation

    • More technology

    • Family links

  • Urban growth: the expansion of cities due to migration

Environmental Effects of Human Settlement

  • Environmental impact of human settlement

    • Water pollution from industry, agriculture, and human waste

    • Air pollution from vehicles and industrial emissions

    • Soil contamination from pesticides and industrial by-products

    • The creation and usage of garbage dumps

    • Deforestation

    • Loss of habitat from expanding settlements

    • Loss of agricultural land due to urban sprawl

    • Light pollution from large cities

    • Disruption of migratory routes of different species

    • Desertification from unsustainable unsustainable agricultural practices

  • If subdivisions are not planned properly they can lead to urban sprawl

    • Urban sprawl: people inhabiting the settlements must rely on automobiles

  • Uses of land:

    • Residential (houses, town houses, apartment buildings)

    • Commercial (plazas, shopping malls, banks, convenience stores)

    • Recreational (parks, swimming pools, cinemas)

  • Differences between low density and high density development

    • Low density:

      • More green space and wildlife

      • Has more houses

      • More cars

    • High density:

      • Image result for urban

      • No green space (limited plantation)

      • Crowded

      • Has more high structures

      • More pollution

Rising Sea Levels

  • Reasons:

    • Melting ice caps

    • Overall warmer temperatures of sea water

  • Places at risk:

    • China

    • Vietnam

    • India

    • Indonesia

    • Bangladesh

    • Japan

  • Concerns:

    • Endangered major cities along the shorelines

      • People’s lives (urban areas with large population are normally located at shorelines)

      • Economic reasons (damages caused by flooding and agricultural land)

    • Endangered animals (e.g. polar bears)

    • Changes in ocean currents (impact ocean species)

  • Hopes:

    • Amount of sea level rise would take more than a century which means we still have time to adapt and start planning

    • China is the world’s leader in CO2 emissions. They have the power to make huge changes to help the issue

.Image result for earth polluted


Jarvis, E. (2017, February 26). YouTube Video: Push and pull factors migration. Youtube.

TDC. (2015, June 30). Future Sea Level Rise: Top 10 Countries In Danger. Youtube. 


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