
Showing posts from February, 2021

Domestic Abuse and Its Impact on the Prepetrator, Victim, and Bystander & Supporting Services

Domestic Abuse and Its Impact on the Perpetrator, Victim, and Bystander & Supporting Services Physical violence  Physical violence is the type of violence that involves physical contact and attempting to cause pain and injury. In the following sections, we will focus on domestic physical violence - hitting.  Impact of the violence on the perpetrator If the physical violence happens in an abusive relationship or domestic violence, the attempt of the perpetrator is to gain total control of the victim. The perpetrators might constantly accuse the victims of being unfaithful, or never care about the perpetrators, as sometimes the perpetrators might have low self-esteem. They also keep on track of the victim, or sometimes even control all the money the victims spend; so once the victims do something against these restricts, for example, trying to run away, the perpetrators will get angry and irritated and harm the victim. They often feel released after a series of hittings, kickings, or

Elements and Principles of Art: Photography

Elements and Principles of Art: Photography This post will give you a rough idea about elements and principles of art. They can be applied to drawings as well. We hope you enjoy them! Scroll down for a self-quiz! List a few elements for each picture!   (Colour, emphasis, etc.) (Repetition/pattern, value, etc.) (Variety, balance, etc.) (Texture, value, etc.) (Emphasis, value, etc.) (Balance, unity, etc.)

Rural - Urban Migration (Pull and Push Factors) & Rising Sea Levels (Countries at Risk)

  Rural-Urban Migration Key Definitions: Rural areas : open spaces with very few buildings and a small population Urban areas : very developed with lots of buildings, roads, bridges, and railways. Large population.  Push factors : A bad quality of a place that makes the person want to leave Not enough jobs Lack of food / clean water Different conditions Land degradation Poor education Poor electricity and technology Poor sewerage Limited or no health care Pull factors : A good quality that makes people want to move to the place More job opportunities Access to shops Better housing Better education More health care access Safer Clean water Better sanitation More technology Family links Urban growth : the expansion of cities due to migration Environmental Effects of Human Settlement Environmental impact of human settlement Water pollution from industry, agriculture, and human waste Air pollution from vehicles and industrial emissions Soil contamination from pesticides and industrial